Ole J. Forsberg, Ph.D.

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[image:Ole J. Forsberg, Ph.D.]




  • Terrorism and Nationalism: Theory, Causes and Causers. 2007. (Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM-Verlag).


  • “Liberal versus Conservative: Do Terrorist Groups Care which Party is in Power?” 2008. Democracy and Global Security. Proceedings of the Second Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security, June 2007. (Ankara, Turkey: ONCU Press).
  • “Another Shot at the Democratic Peace: Are Democracies More Aggressive than Non-Democracies in Militarized Interstate Disputes?” 2007. Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 1(2).

Encyclopedia Entries

  • Encyclopedia of Civil Rights and Liberties. 2006. Edited by Otis Stephens, Jr., John Scheb II, and Kara Stooksbury. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press): “Classical Conservatism”; “In re Quirin”; “Johnson v. Eisentrager”; “The Polygraph”
  • Encyclopedia of American Parties and Elections. 2006. Edited by Larry J. Sabato and Howard R. Ernst. (New York: Facts on File): “At-Large Elections”; “Voting by Mail”

Contract Whitepapers

  • “Social Science of Group Conflict and Violence.” 2008. Prepared for and Funded by the Department of Homeland Security S&T Human Factors Division. Location: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Lead Investigators: Jack Schryver and Line Pouchard; Working Group: Ole Forsberg, Sophia Moskalenko, Steve Pampinella.
  • “Regional Efforts to Deploy Clean Coal Technologies: Impacts and Implications for Water Supply and Quality”. 2004. Prepared for the Southern States Energy Board. Funded by US Department of Energy and Southeast Water Supply Initiative. Location: Energy, Environment, and Resources Center. Lead Investigator: David L. Feldman; Working Group: Jennie R. Cassie, Ole J. Forsberg.