Ole J. Forsberg, Ph.D.

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[image:Ole J. Forsberg, Ph.D.]


[academic presentations]

Invited Presentation

Second İstanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security, July 2007 (İstanbul, TUR)
  • Liberal versus Conservative: Do Terrorist Groups Care which Party is in Power?

Academic Conferences

Western Political Science Association, March 2008 (San Diego, CA)
  • Does it Really Matter: Does the definition of terrorism really matter ini the case of ‘The Troubles’ of Northern Ireland (1969–2002)?
Nordic International Studies Association, May 2007 (Odense, DEN)
  • Government Orientation as a Correlate of Terrorism: Do Terror Groups Respond to the Level of Parliamentary Conservatism?
Western Political Science Association, March 2007 (Las Vegas, NV)
  • Terror and the Ballot Box: Do Terror Groups Respond to a Government’s Political Orientation?
  • Panel Chair: Proliferation
  • Panel Chair: Regime Types and Violence
ISA – Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section, July 2006 (The Hague, NTH)
  • Terror and the Ballot Box: Do Terror Groups Respond to a Government’s Political Orientation Change?
International Studies Association, March 2006 (San Diego, CA)
  • Political Parties and Terrorism: Another Reason Democracies Are More Prone to Domestic Terrorism.
  • Another Shot at the Democratic Peace: Are Democracies More Aggressive than Non-Democracies in Militarized Interstate Disputes?
Western Political Science Association, March 2006 (Albuquerque, NM)
  • Another Shot at the Democratic Peace: Are Democracies More Aggressive than Non-Democracies in Militarized Interstate Disputes?
  • Panel Chair: Challenges to Interests in Peace & Democracy.
International Studies Association – Southern Region, November 2005 (Miami, FL)
  • Political Parties, Terrorism, and a Formal Theory.
International Studies Association – Midwest Region, October 2005 (St. Louis, MO)
  • Democracies as a Target of Terrorism: Open Societies and Political Parties.
  • Panel Chair/Discussant: Understanding and Combating Terrorism.
American Political Science Association, September 2005 (Washington, DC)
  • Who are the Victims? Assessing the Propensity for Democracies to be the Target of Initial Force in Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1980-2000.
World International Studies Conference, August 2005 (İstanbul, TUR)
  • Ethnonational Terrorism: An Empirical Theory of Indicators at the State Level, 1985-2000.
  • Panel Chair: New Perspectives on Terrorism.
International Studies Association – Midwest Region, November 2004 (St. Louis, MO)
  • The Democratic Peace Thesis and the First Use of Force.

Academic Service

NEXUS: Religion and Nation Conference, April 2006 (Knoxville, TN)
  • Panel Chair: Religion and Contemporary Politics.